Creative Talent - My Teammates an Friends Forever

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This Is Donna!!!! She Is Such A Sweetie!!Donna Is An Award Winning Anamator/ScrrenPlay Writer.She Co-Wrote Our Song "Can't Have Love Without Emotion " To Contact Donna Feel Free To Email Her


This Is My Long Time Friend Charity Angel!.....Charity And I Met In A Yahoo Chat Room 3 Years Ago. We Hit It Off From The Start!! I Had My Own Talent Promtion Company " Sunset Dreams " . I Was New Yet Growing Company. I Had Faith In Charity And Her Talent As Well. ......I Had To Close For Awhile Due To My Seizure Disorder And Personal Issues. But Charity Had Accomplished Alot On Her Own, She Is An Extrodinary Person As Well AS as Mom And Artist!!I'm Very Proud Of You Charity

Here Is My Publishers /Producers/composers/Vocalists/Sound Engineers / mark and jenni wright nash tn,They Are Totally Awesome And Fun To work with we have a blast coming up with new material and idea's man are we always talking lol they are also my friends .we all clicked right away .I am glad they are taken me under their wing as their new upcoming artist!!! woooo-hoooooo okay too much caffine and not enough sleep we are currently shopping for songs for my upcoming album they are also helping me with some major projects i have for vern gosdin and candi carpenter, we are also looking for sponcers and investors ,grant writers , jennnnnnn ( hugs ) jen ya can give ya hubby a hand shake for me . i decided to let my editor marie bedder have some work to do today. well i have alot more to say about mark and jen so when i know i will keep ya updated on us



this is marieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! marie and i are in commincation more then anyone eles i work with .we talk on the phone sometimes for 8 hours straight!!! that's everynight !!marie and i have alot in common and she is very talented as a songwriter she writes hip-hop-, r&b , gospel and pop/rock. she's always singing to me on the phone she's in my artist devopelment group . she is also my editor hey sis i left ya alot to edit lol marie know's more about me then alot of people. i will be helping her with her demo's and album . getting her set up with composers hey marie is single hint hint lol she needs someone who understands her love of writing and music . no my site is not a dating site lol just helping a friend out she's wayyyyyyyyyyyyy awesome. and talented hey marie hold ya tounge and go bla bla bla bla lol marie is my best friend thank goodness for free long distance plans and minutes loli am smiling as i am writing this about marie (she's my bedda girl ) hey her last name is bedder,





i love you tyler chris bri zach and katelyn