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grandpa had it with him

and it s standing in the hall

when he took the boat here

it was there so long.......

in the war

the clock took a stand

in an air raid it chimed

keeping track of all the things

happening everyday

never losing it s time

the clock the memoies

that it gave to me

the meaning the touch

of a man i miss so much

he did nt have to share

what the clock was thinking

or what it was doing

grandpa made it all

by himself

when he chuckled and laughed

in the center of it

was the best of velt

and it helped

the clock the memoies

that it gave to me

the meaning the touch

of a man i miss so much

he did nt have to share

what the clock was thinking

or what it was doing



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when i hear about the love you have

that's when my tears i start to cry

i hope your really doing ok and well

but i've got to share with you inside


i can't get you off my heart and mind

i only see the future we might've had

long conversations smiles on our face

you a perfect mom me a working dad

a fenced in yard for our kids to play in

a dog named shadow a barn full of hay

watching tv shows putting kids in bed

then we look at eachother and then say

we are grwoin older but we are still in love

we walked a block took the right way here

i can see this all so clear

now reality turns to fears

verse 2

if you could forgive me know i am for real

i know i am only human i make mistakes

have nt you made a few along the way

or wished on a star that you were;nt afraid

i can't get you off my heart and mind

i only see the future we might've had

long conversations smiles on our face

you a perfect mom me a working dad

a fenced in yard for our kids to play in

a dog named shadow a barn full of hay

watching tv shows putting kids in bed

then we look at eachother and then say

we are grwoin older but we are still in love

we walked a block took the right way here

i can see this all so clear

now reality turns to fears



(c)msginamarie gordon,2003,revised,2005


a lil' girl all grown up

with alot to tell ya'll

you might call me crazy

or nothing at all

but thats's your call

one thing you can't take way

is my writing or my words

cuz they come fromthe heart

they are my feelings , thoughts

one thing you can't take away

it is who i am

i won't change for noone

i stand by what i say

one thing you can't take away

i believe in helpling homeless

i believe in exploring dreams

i believe in teaching others

i believe in total honesty

one thing you can't take away fom me

is what i feel so very strong

you can stand and judge me

you can say your right that i am wrong

but that's your call

honesty, love, happiness by choice

committed secure sweet as a voice

singing laughing holding cherishing

you can say i'ma dreamer or an

imcompleteri'll say walk after you've

done the hardest longest crawl

but that's your call

i have tried, have you

have you ever, felt emotion coming on

have you ever , been judged for what you

thought or felt, did you write it or speak it aloud

get put down, but was that your fault

but was that your call

ms gina marie gordon

may 29 th 2005

here s the revised version to

"What About Me ""A Kids Point Of View "

what about what were

afraid of

what about when you

want to see us

what about our lil hearts

breaking pleadin


ooooooo what about me

lifes to short to ever

be apart

granted ya made mistakes

and stuff

but you never hit or laid

your hand

so why won't they listen or


actually i don't know my

little one

i've been honest with you

what i'd done

i could'nt take care of

of myself

if i had another seizure

would'nt help

i'm older then zachary i

can handle this

i know signs warnin's

what not to miss

i hear your point of view

now tyler

but i have to be stable

said the lawyers

but it's getting better

lifes to short to ever

be apart

granted ya think you're

older then art

i never hit or laid down

my hand

but they want 100 percent

gurentee and

actually i don't think theres

really one

i'm proud of you, so glad you

are my son

what about what were

afraid of

what happens if.....

you don't make it ....

through this,,,,,,,

what about me...oooooobut...oooooo

what about me.....

don't you see what

they are offering...

a chance for questions

to get some answers

your in my life still

and zachary says

wait a minute...

what about me....

and i said

what about me...

and tyler said " all together"

we've got our answer

for worse or for better

a kids & parents

point of view ooooo

we are family...

now what about you

what about me

exactly our kids

point of view oooooo

did the message

get through

(c)ms gina marie gordon




i can't stop thinking

about you

what you told me was

the truth

just the other day i was


then i thought i heard you


it went something like this

that or the other somehow

suprized by the lack of clues

what to do

i can;t stop thinking

about you

into the night i stumbled

lately i

just whisper your name

wonder why

i looked out my window

so blue

i cried but no tear came


what to do

i can't stop thinking

about you

i can't stop

no no i no no i

can't stop thinking

about you

(c)ms gina marie gordon

may 2 2005





Butt Biting

she told me i was out the door
said if you don't leave right now
you can bet it won't be us fighting
there will be just some butt biting

butt nothing huney;
but isn't in my
can't stand that word
so you better go
here s some food for thought
it's simple as nedin some light
i ll intoduce you to
my dogs lesson in butt bitin

he looked at my dogs teeth
and the message was so clear
that doggies teeth were white
beware of me man
i like butts and i bite

that dog took away my pride

and then some of my shorts

so i;m high tailin outta here

to find the peice that was lost

she said huney where ya going

butt nothing huney;
but isn't in my
can't stand that word
so i think better go
here s some food for thought
it's simple as nedin some lightin
you've introduced your weapon
with your dogs lesson in butt bitin






she does'nt understand

the choice she's made

but if this is heartacke

she'll walk away and gain

gain back the freedom

of a free spirit

gain back her self worth

not on his merit

she's walk the walk

with no tears to cry

gain back confidence

no questions of why

every choice has a consquences

weather their positive or not

if he's playing on her love

there s one thing he forgot


gain back self motivation

without self resistanced

gain back all of her dreams

show true dedication

she'll talk the talk

and have it make sence

gain back the freedom

of a free sprit

gain back her self worth

she'll walk the walk

player beware she won't have it

with no tears to cry

gain the courage and


no question no question of why

she'll start with a goodbye

and thou her life won't be the same

she'll gain

oooooh she;ll gain....


Nashville Entertainment AssociationThe Nashville SceneSongNet.com

"Just Remember One Thing" LYRICS BY:Ms Gina Marie Gordon

when you think you can't

achieve or accomplish anything

just believe in yourself an

what you can bring

letting down that gaurd is hard i know

i've been there....

i know what it's like to be wondering

if someone eles is starin...............'

just look up keep them spirits high

if you really need to you can cry

i am here for you.....

i know exsactly what you are or

have been through

when others seem not to give a care

just remember one thing

i am here i am here

we talk aboutall the rumours

bout; your use of drugs alcohol

about the times you were homeless

afraid , jobless insecure

we talk about your last boyfriend

or the mom you never had

and how you think your a failure

how others put you down

and when you got mad

letting that gaurd down must have been hard i

know i've been there....

i know what it s likto be wondering

if your good enough.....

to be living, so here s some advice

i;m giving so we are understanding

just look up, keep them spirits high....

know i'll stand by your side ( your side)

you can cry if ya need to

and know i am here for you

i know exsactly what you are

and have been going through

when other, life seem unfair

or seem not to even care....

i'm your friend i'll always be

remember one thing

i am here as you

were there for me

( ending verse)

just remember one thing

there are many things

about you that are posititive

like your smile

like your love

your compassion

your like breathing'

fresh clean air

so remember one thing

remember one thing

i am here


i am here


i am i am i am here

(c)ms gina marie gordon

may 29 th 2005

Copyright ©2005 Gina Marie Gordon


 i am about to be dumped

 he s calling all those exs
well now i aint at all mad
because one day he s gonna
rush into my arms i ll sya to bad

i in't about to have this
and i am sick of this shhhh
don't run your mouth
telling me your sorry
cause i am about to be dumped
don't bother don't worry

i can have any one i want
and i don;t have to play games
i ll just be who i always am
and i don't have to give a damn

i ain;t about to crawl back
i ve done it two other times
did'nt work why should it now
iama bout to be dumped  but anyhow

i ain't about to have this
and i am sick of this shhhh
don't run your mouth
telling me your sorry
cause i am about to be dumped
don't bother don't worry

i am nice enough to be happy
and get it over with hurry up
i have better places to be going
say it iama bout to be dumped

i amabout to be dumped
yeeeehaw  laughs yuppers
he did  oh well that s life
in this case third time
is not his lucky charm
i bet he s stumped
cause he just got dumped

(c) ms gina marie gordon


it s like a teardrop falling
.a million more to come
holding candles up high,
what can't change whats been done

911may i help you
yes me and a thousand more
nine elevens todays date
but you can't get through the door

some guy shut us out
from our families and friends
can't get to my preschooler
with this smoke there s no end

end to our pleas
to come rescue me
this guy needs to pay
for the nine eleven day
365 to remember
our lost family members
but yet only one date
remains in our heads
where is our faith
why does he show no regrat

oh my father forgive me
i know it was nt your call
but i am filled with anger
because that man isn't caught

3 nine elevens have gone by
and i know it s something i ll never forget or not scream out why

why children had to suffer
when the towers just crumbled
so now i try not to fumble
when i pray
catch him before
he causes more
trouble like he did
nine eleven day!!!!!!

(c)ms gina marie gordon

ok yall this next one my 8 year old son tyler wrote with me and it s going on my  cd (a kids point of view)
     "we've got to find him"
(c)tyler richard foote age 8

there s man still out there
and he s laughing at us all
ya know the man on the tv set
the day those buildings fall
mommy i don't understand this
but i know he hurt alot of people
it s the talk of the whole world
about  how we get treated
i may be only a lil boy
but i heard some where my age
they said it was nt fourth of july
when they rammed into it with planes
fireworks could'nt be brighter
when smoke let out there were flames
how could he do that to the inncocent
how could he play those hateful games
we;ve got to find him
before he kills again
that could have been my uncle
dad mom brother my best friend
he lets out a bunch of smiles
as many at night lay cryin
he s as bad as the boogie man
i know that s why soldiers are fighting
oh mommy please tell me
he will pay for his sins
so i say one more time
we've got to find him

tyler has amazing talent  his view on things is perceptive and prolific
like his  mom  ( he wants to be a mederologist)


 you ve got music to sing

he helped her with her bags
with a saddness in his eyes
he turned to her and said
right now better things are

you ve got your music to sing
youve got smiles for everything
you ve got the way to all them hearts
 but you and i will bever be

bettyann is waiting at the station
she has the 3 kids with her
oh man here i  here i again go
tears in my eyes but i really want
you to be happy inside
you ve got a way of expressin yaself
you have things you want to accomplish
if ever ya need me it s just a call
but most of all
take care of them babies
keep them safe and well loved
think of me i ll be thinking of you
dont stall now girl i am being intence
hold ya head high and remember this

you ve got your music to sing
you ve got smilesforeverything
you derserve this after all the pain
but without you my life won't be the same

mama just called said she says hi
she said she only wants to apoligize
and she agree s with me
you ve got music to sing
and  your babies to feed
give them lots of kisses and hugs
and callif there s something you need
go on girl you ve got music to sing

(c)ms gina marie gordon